Hi, I’m Mel Cruz. I’m a Hair and Make-Up Artist since 2008.

People always ask me what field I was in before this. I worked for a top IT company, I got awarded as the number one in sales as a rookie but I left because my heart belongs here: I like making people beautiful. For 16 years, I’ve been doing hair and makeup with love. Who wouldn’t fall for this job? Clients welcome me to their homes or hotel rooms like a friend, share stories with me, even invite me to join them for a meal… Filipino hospitality at its finest. It’s really not necessary, in fact, I’m too shy to accept. But when they send a long message of thanks, write me good reviews, give me referrals, it could be the most fulfilling job in the world.

So I thought I would retire at 40 but I’m past my 45 now and clients still keep me on their speed dial for special occasions. I get invited to the important dates of their lives not only as their ‘HMUA’, but as guests. For a couple of hours’ session doing hair and make-up, I’ve earned instant friends. Although I’m not much of a traveler, this job has brought me to faraway places.

I’ve counted about a thousand Hair and Makeup Artists already, in Manila alone. A lot of them are really good, but I wonder why I still get the word of mouth. Whatever their reason is, I will continue this journey, keep my tools clean, be early for call time, always be updated with trends, polish my skills, be kind to my fellow suppliers and keep all the juicy girl talks shared with me as private as possible.

I don’t know how many faces I’ve done already as I’ve lost count after having 200 brides, but I’d be more than happy to glam up some more before my hands start shaking. See you soon! I hope you can experience to be on my makeup chair at least once in your life.
